Contributed by: The James Bond Movie Encyclopedia by Steven Jay Rubin

Setting of the fifth James Bond film, You Only Live Twice. It also figures in a curious blooper. In the film, British agent Dikko Henderson (Charles Gray) asks Bond (Sean Connery) if he’s ever been to Japan before. He replies, “No, never.” However, in From Russia with Love, during the comical sequence in which Miss Moneypenny is listening to Bond’s Istanbul tape recording of Tatiana Romanova, Bond responds to Tania’s question of “Am I as exciting as all those Western girls?” with “Once when M and I were in Tokyo . . .” So Bond has been to Japan before.

Japan is also the second target selected in the Domination video game battle between Maximilian Largo (Klaus Maria Brandauer) and Bond (Sean Connery) in Never Say Never Again. It’s worth $16,000, and Largo wins.

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