Best of the Rest-old

The Best of the Rest

in Spy Movies!

And Their Connections to Other Spy Movies & Real-Life Events and Things

Here, we will look at spy movies from 1935 to the present that are not in the Bond, Mission: Impossible or Bourne genre.    Dozens and dozens of spy movies before Bond and after Bond give us deep glimpses into the spy world.

So, we will select the best we can find, that represent the spy movie genre, from the first spy movie, The 39 Steps, up to present-day spy movies.   Many of the concepts, plots, gadgets, tools, chases and character developments that we see in current Bond, Mission: Impossible and Bourne movies have roots in the Best of the Rest of spy movies.

We will look at each clip, analyze it, and offer some insights and how these clips relate to other spy movies, prior to and after the particular movie we are working with.

So every movie we look at in any genre will always include
references to other spy movies and real-life events!  In our podcasts too!

Let’s explore these together.  Be active – send us your comments, insights, photos, videos and more – and they might be included in a podcast or on the site or our social media publications.

We are The Worldwide Community of Spy Movie Fans – and you’re invited!

Click on any color image below to go to all the movie clips and insights.

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