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Tomorrow Never Dies

Tomorrow Never Dies, editorial content, 007, James Bond, spy movie podcasts, EON Production movies, espionage, Pierce BrosnanTomorrow Never Dies – a 1997 release and Eon’s 18th Bond movie, stars Pierce Brosnan in his second outing as Bond.  Originally was going to be called Tomorrow Never Lies.  

It’s about a media mogul – Elliot Carver played by Jonathan Pierce – who wants to dominate the world with his news organization – reaching everywhere and being the dominant source.  Of course, China will not allow this and so Carver wants to orchestrate tension between the western world and China so that the threat of war will be in the news.  

So, Bond has to stop all of this – the world does not need another war.   So, he gets help from a Chines agent, Wai Lin (played by Michelle Yeoh) and the rest is how they stop Carver and infiltrate his organization and destroy his plan.

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