ARABESQUE is a 1966 spy movie starring Gregory Peck, Sophia Loren, and Alan Badel. Is it worth a watch?
Dan and Tom decode ARABESQUE to enhance your viewing experience – is it worth a watch? There are some very strong positives as well as some negatives to this movie
In this episode, we discuss:
- Why is this movie titled ARABESQUE?
- Did the cinematography help or hinder the movie?
- Which role might have been miscast?
- Was there chemistry between Sophia Loren and her leading male actors?
- What movies may have influenced ARABESQUE?
- What movies have ARABESQUE influenced?
- Was the shower scene funny enough?
- What did director Stanley Donen think of the script?
- Sophia Loren’s wardrobe
- What article of clothing is important to the plot?
- What famous stunt performer/coordinator had his first role in this movie?
- The benefit of disavowing a spy
- And more …
As you can see, there is a lot to decode, so take a listen to find out why this movie gets mixed reviews. Some people like it and some don’t.
Tell us what you think about our decoding of ARABESQUE
So, take a listen and let us know what you think. Have you seen ARABESQUE? If so, what did you think of it? If not, did we give you enough information to help you decide if you want to watch it?
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