Cliff Walkers – A Quick-Fire Look

Podcast Episode

Cliff Walkers – A Quick-Fire Look

Join us as we take a no-spoiler, quick-fire look into the latest spy movie, CLIFF WALKERS.


Join us as we take a no-spoiler, quick-fire look into the latest spy movie, CLIFF WALKERS.

Set in the 1930’s, CLIFF WALKERS is an espionage movie about four Chinese agents trying to extract a prisoner from Japanese occupied Manchukuo. There are numerous plot twists and double-crosses which should intrigue any spy movie fan.

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In keeping with our no-spoiler approach to our Quick-Fire podcasts of movies just after they release, we discuss:

  • The beautiful cinematography
  • The English subtitles
  • The acting
  • The tortures
  • The plot at a high-level, no-spoiler view
  • Where some of the plot-points may have gotten their inspiration based on earlier spy movies and real-world events
  • And more …

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