Dalton As Bond With Film Prof/Author Dr. Cary Edwards

Podcast Episode

Dalton As Bond With Film Prof/Author Dr. Cary Edwards

Dalton as Bond: Today we are thrilled to talk with Dr. Cary Edwards who wrote the book on Timothy Daltontwo James Bond films called, “He Disagreed With Something That Ate Him”. Dr. Edwards argues that both films are a unique contribution to the series and form an important dialogue with the rest of the franchise.   Join Dan, Tom and Vicky for this lively discussion.

Dr. Edwards will reveal some interesting connections and insights into Dalton, Bond, The Living Daylights and Licence to Kill!  Today, Dr. Cary Edwards, a brilliant film prof, will be our Smartest Spy in the Room!

Dr. Edward’s thoughts about Dalton as Bond

In this interview with Dr. Cary Edwards, we discuss:

  • Why he wrote the book “He Disagreed With Something That Ate Him”
  • Why he thinks Timothy Dalton has been largely forgotten as Bond
  • The Bond series and “Survival, Resistance, and Revenge”
  • How the the Dalton movies break James Bond movie traditions
  • The villains in the Dalton movies and how they are different than pas Bond villains
  • The symbolism of Sanchez taking Bond’s Walther PPK and when he asks for Pam’s gun
  • How Cary sees the Bond girls evolving
  • Cary’s thoughts on the Daniel Craig Bond
  • How political context finds its way into Bond movies
  • How Bond’s habits ebb and flow
  • And More …

Tell us what you think

So, take a listen to hear what we think of Dalton as Bond and today’s discussion.

Let us know your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, and what you thought of this episode. Just drop us a note at info@spymovienavigator.com.  The more we hear from you, the better the show will surely be!  We’ll give you a shout-out in a future episode!

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