Pierce Brosnan’s final two James Bond movies, THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH and DIE ANOTHER DAY had some very cool gadgets. How many of the gadgets do you remember from those movies? In this episode, Dan and Tom decode about 30 of them. Are these gadgets believable? Realistic? Based on any real science?
If you are a fan of this show, you probably know that DIE ANOTHER DAY is one of Tom’s bottom two James Bond movies. Yet, he liked its pre-title sequence in part due to some of the gadgets we’ll call out.
So, some things we decode are:
- How much fun would you have firing a flamethrower from a moving hovercraft?
- The OMEGA Seamaster – ya gotta love Watch gadgets!
- We also saw a very cutting gadget (yes both puns are intended). Once we see it used for its real function. Then later and again in a more nefarious use.
- We talk about a gadget that used to be advertised in the back of magazines. Did any of you ever buy one?
- And even M gets into gadget development.
- Um, if Elektra asks you to sit in a chair, be very afraid.
- A Single Digital Sonic Agitator, really?
- And sometimes you can’t unsee what you can’t see. That one was a lame gadget
So have a listen, getting a better understanding of these gadgets will enhance your viewing experience next time you watch THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH or DIE ANOTHER DAY.
Tell us what you think about the gadgets in THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH and DIE ANOTHER DAY
Did we miss any gadgets? Which are your favorite gadgets? Did any gadgets strike you as believable? If so, which ones?
Let us know your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, and what you thought of this episode. Just drop us a note at info@spymovienavigator.com. The more we hear from you, the better the show will surely be! We’ll give you a shout-out in a future episode!
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