Gibraltar! Spies parachuting in! Paint balls! Hedgehogs! Macaques, a chase, a yacht, smiert spionam and . . . a new James Bond! All in the pre-title sequence to THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS!
Join undercover agents Dan, Tom and Vicky as they decode new discoveries and connections! There is a lot to decode in this pre-title.
In this discussion we look at the following in the pre-title sequence to THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS:
- The beach that opens the movie
- M’s office delivering a pep talk in a plane
- Timothy Dalton’s slow reveal as James Bond
- The parachute scene
- Climbing on the steep cliffs of Gibraltar
- Filming technique on the short road
- The Land Rover plunge off the cliff
- Dalton’s landing on a yacht
- and more …
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