OPERATION FORTUNE: RUSE DE GUERRE has finally released in the US. Join us for our no-spoiler review of this movie.
We discuss:
- The actors and their roles.
- The wonderful classic Ford Mustang.
- Is there a mole?
- Who had the dirtiest jokes?
- The Costumes
- And More …
All without any spoilers. Our goal is to let you know if you should spend your time and money seeing this movie. And we will enhance your viewing experience of the movie by giving you hints for things to look out for.
Actors Jason Statham, Hugh Grant, Max Beesley, Cary Elwes, Bugzy Malone and Aubrey Plaza add their skills to this spy movie, especially one of them Tom calls out – so spy movie fans might like this one. Listen now!
We hope you’ll like our OPERATION FORTUNE: RUSE DE GUERRE no-spoiler review.
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