Second Anniversary Show!

Podcast Episode

Second Anniversary Show!

We’re celebrating our second anniversary!  Thanks for being on this journey with us – you make it a vacation for us!  So, join us for our Second Anniversary show!

Well, wow!  We have just passed our Second Anniversary for our website,, our social media outlets on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – and our Cracking the Code of Spy Movies podcast show and YouTube channel!

This has been a fun year with interviews, no-spoiler reviews, 60 podcast episodes, and 12 videos.  Let’s review the year, with some messages from listeners and guests.  And we look forward to next year with its upcoming big-name spy movies due to hit the big screen!  We can’t wait.

Tell us what you think of our Second Anniversary Show

Let us know your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, and what you thought of this episode. Just drop us a note at  The more we hear from you, the better the show will surely be!  We’ll give you a shout-out in a future episode!

You can check out all of our CRACKING THE CODE OF SPY MOVIES podcast episodes on your favorite podcast app or our website. In addition, you can check out our YouTube channel as well.

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