The Spy Next Door (2010)

Podcast Episode

The Spy Next Door (2010)

Join Dan and Tom on their Cracking the Code of Spy Movies show. In this episode, they uncover some hidden connections in this fun comedy/spy movie for the whole family, The Spy Next Door!

This movie stars:

  • Jackie Chan as Bob Ho
  • Billie Ray Cyrus as Coltan James
  • George Lopez as Glaze
  • Amber Valletta as Gillian
  • Madeline Carrol as Farren
  • Will Shadley as Ian
  • Alina Foley as Nora

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In today’s show, we break down examples of where The Spy Next Store has been influenced by other spy movies.

  • The gadget closet in Kingsman: The Secret Service
  • Where the movie The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming is mimicked
  • The Jet Pack in Thunderball and Never Say Never Again
  • A shot in Dr. No which is very similar to one in The Spy Next Door.
  • A scene that highlights Parkour, like in Casino Royale.
  • An escape scene reminiscent of Licence to Kill.
  • A mole in the CIA, which we’ve seen with Jim Phelps in Mission: Impossible, Bill Haydon in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, among others
  • Bob Ho is retired and brought back in, like George Smiley in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and James Bond in a few movies, including the upcoming NO TIME TO DIE
  • Musical cues influenced by the James Bond series
  • A line about knowing women that reminds us of Thunderball
  • A call-out to Octopussy
  • An agent gets paid off to help a criminal escape like in Licence to Kill
  • Gadgets galore
  • and more!

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