Contributed by: The James Bond Movie Encyclopedia by Steven Jay Rubin

An outdoor nightclub in Nassau, Bahamas, that becomes a temporary shelter for a wounded James Bond (Sean Connery) in Thunderball. Chased by Fiona Volpe (Luciana Paluzzi) and her SPECTRE thugs, 007 takes a moment’s rest in the club’s bathroom, applies a tourniquet to his wounded ankle, and then mingles among the dancers. However, he’s cornered again and soon finds himself in Fiona’s arms on the dance floor, as a SPECTRE assassin prepares his silencer. As the bongo beat of the onstage combo (featuring real-life bongo player King Errisson) reaches its zenith, Bond spots the assassin and whirls Fiona around just in time for her to take the bullet. Dragging her body over to a table, he tells the seated patrons that his partner needs a break because “she’s just dead.”

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