What Ever Happened to the LICENCE TO KILL Kenworth Truck?

Ah, the LICENCE TO KILL Kenworth trucks. Basically, three of them were tricked up for the movie. So, what ever happened to the truck that did the side-wheely? You remember it. It was the one that flipped to one side to avoid an incoming missile.

What happened to this side-wheely truck after the movie? Is it still around? If so, what does it look like today?

Well, the Ian Fleming Foundation has obtained this truck and will be restoring it. Watch as Colin Clark tells us how the Ian Fleming Foundation acquired the truck.

Plus, we show you the magic behind how the truck did the side wheely.

This truck needs A LOT of work. Therefore, this will be a massive restoration given its condition. It is fascinating to see what some of these vehicles look like years after the movie. We can’t wait to see it again when they are done with it.

This LICENCE TO KILL Kenworth is just one of the vehicles The Ian Fleming Foundation has. Check out their website to see more of the James Bond movie-used vehicles they have acquired.

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