Podcast Episode


Join Dan and Tom as they bring you UNDERCOVER BROTHER - Decoded!, a 2002 spy movie that is is very wacky but very racially focused.

Join Dan and Tom as they bring you UNDERCOVER BROTHER – Decoded!  The 2002 movie UNDERCOVER BROTHER is a spy movie that they’ve been wanting to decode for a while. It is very wacky but very racially focused. Some might call it a blaxploitation spoof movie.

They look at this movie, in part, against the backdrop of the recent announcements that the Ian Fleming books are being rereleased and rewritten to remove ‘offensive’ text. UNDERCOVER BROTHER has many racial jokes against both black and white people. There are even some words that are considered offensive to some people. So, does this movie need to be censored as Flemings books are?

Take a listen and send us your thoughts on this episode, UNDERCOVER BROTHER – Decoded! at info@spymovienavigator.com.

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