MY SPY (2020) – A Quick-Fire Look

Podcast Episode

MY SPY (2020) – A Quick-Fire Look

Join Dan and Tom in Cracking the Code of My Spy - the first spy movie released by a major studio in 2020 - and it's not in theaters!  It's on Amazon Prime!

Join Dan and Tom in Cracking the Code of My Spy – the first spy movie released by a major studio in 2020 – and it’s not in theaters!  It’s on Amazon Prime!

The Quick-Fire Look will not giveaway the movie, but we will look at certain revelations and things to look for in the movie so you can enjoy it even more!  Join us in our My Spy review!

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In This episode we examine the movie My Spy. Some of the things we look at include:

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  • JJ’s role in the CIA
  • The role of the cities Chicago and Toronto in the making of the movie
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  • Interesting references to other films – ET, Phone home?
  • Is JJ like James Bond?
  • And more …

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