BACK IN ACTION – No-Spoiler Review!

Podcast Episode

BACK IN ACTION – No-Spoiler Review!

Dan and Tom give you their no-spoiler review of the just released Netflix spy movie BACK IN ACTION.  And they don’t agree on this one.  Listen to hear why.

This is the movie where Cameron Diaz returns to acting after a 10-year hiatus.   So, she’s now back in action. And like in her last movie, she’s teaming up with Jaimie Foxx.

So, without giving away the movie, we talkthrough what we thought worked and didn’t work.

Some of the details we examine include:

  • What worked
  • What didn’t work
  • The marketing tagline
  • The cast
  • The soundtrack
  • The chemistry between the two lead actors and their characters
  • Some of the good lines of dialogue in the movie
  • In what other movies have we seen some similar scenes to the ones we see in BACK IN ACTION?
  • Areas of disagreement between Dan and Tom as to if we thought this was worth your time.
  • And more ….

There is a lot to examine, so take a listen to enhance your viewing experience as you watch this new spy movie. Is it worth a watch? Are you in?

Tell us what you think about our review of BACK IN ACTION.

So, take a listen and let us know what you think.  Have you seen BACK IN ACTION?  If so, what did you think of it? Do you agree with Dan or Tom?

Let us know your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, and what you thought of this episode. Just drop us a note at  The more we hear from you, the better the show will surely be!  We’ll give you a shout-out in a future episode!  

You can check out all of our CRACKING THE CODE OF SPY MOVIES podcast episodes on your favorite podcast app or our website. In addition, you can check out our YouTube channel as well.  

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