Build-A-Bond – What Does The Next Bond Need to Be?
Dan and Tom look at how to Build-a-Bond. In other words, what are the key elements of Bond over the decades that should go into the best Bond? We will help Eon Productions here as we Build-a-Bond!
What were the positive qualities of James Bond for each of the previous six actors that Eon Productions has cast for the role? What are the qualities that they each brought that we think must be included in the next hire?
James Bond has had a different personality with each actor to play him. Yes, we all know that Sean Connery, with Director Terence Young’s tutelage set the stage. George Lazenby brought a little more rough and tumble. Roger Moore brought more humor. Timothy Dalton turned out the lights and made Bond dark. Pierce Brosnan was cool. And Daniel Craig darkened things up again.
So, we know all that. But there’s much more to it. Dan and Tom dig deeper to find the personality traits that were common to all of the actor’s portrayals. Take a listen to find out what these are.
Finally, what actors do Tom and Dan think are in their Build-a-Bond box?
Tell us what you think
So, did we miss any personas for the next actor to play James Bond? What do you think of our list of persona needs? And, who do you want to see take up the role of Bond, James Bond?
Let us know your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, and what you thought of this episode. Just drop us a note at The more we hear from you, the better the show will surely be! We’ll give you a shout-out in a future episode!
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