Gadgets in James Bond’s YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE Decoded!

Podcast Episode

Gadgets in James Bond’s YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE Decoded!

Space capsules, poison-dart-firing cigarette, Little Nellie, safe-crackers, flash paper, slides, closed-circuit cameras, micro-dots, and collapsing bridges are some of the great gadgets in James Bond’s YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE!  We love looking at gadgets in spy movies and YOLT has a bunch of them, most of them being quite real.

Join Tom, Dan and Vicky as they have some fun with the gadgets in YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE! Some of the gadgets they examine include:

  • Chris’ spacewalk maneuvering device
  • Space capsules
  • Poison-dart-firing cigarette
  • Little Nellie
  • Safe-crackers
  • Flash paper
  • Micro-dots
  • Collapsing bridges
  • Exploding Lipstick Cases
  • Closed Circuit Television
  • and More …

Tell us what you think about this episode, Gadgets in James Bond’s YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE

Did we miss any gadgets?  Do any of these gadgets make your eyes roll?

Let us know your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, and what you thought of this episode. Just drop us a note at  The more we hear from you, the better the show will surely be!  We’ll give you a shout-out in a future episode!

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