James Bond is Like Coca-Cola Which is Why for Bond, This is NO TIME TO DIE!

Podcast Episode

James Bond is Like Coca-Cola Which is Why for Bond, This is NO TIME TO DIE!

Join Dan and Tom as we explore NO TIME TO DIE and see why James Bond will survive his next mission by comparing it to Coca-Cola. Ok, how do we get to comparing a James Bond movie with a soft drink?  Well, we do this by looking back at how changing the Coca-Cola formula in 1985 is similar to the formula change that we believe is being attempted with the Bond franchise!  This is a unique look at Bond and NO TIME TO DIE! Of course, when the movie comes out, we could be wrong.  But we don’t think we are.

Tell us what you think, is James Bond like Coca-Cola?

So, what do you think of Dan and Tom’s discussion here?  Do you agree with them? Let us know your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, and what you thought of this episode. Just drop us a note at info@spymovienavigator.com.  The more we hear from you, the better the show will surely be!  We’ll give you a shout-out in a future episode!   You can check out all of our CRACKING THE CODE OF SPY MOVIES podcast episodes on your favorite podcast app or our website. In addition, you can check out our YouTube channel as well.  

Related Content

In this podcast show we talk about:

  • How the changes that Coca-Cola made to their formula in the 1980’s parallels the potential changes we will see in the Bond formula going forward!
  • We draw some conclusions based on what happened to Coca-Cola when they changed the formula and what we think will happen wit the James Bond franchise.
  • Fun stuff!

On this show, we reference the following links:

Commercials (these links will take you to YouTube):

  •  I’d like to buy the world a Coke – (link)
  • Archaeology – (link)

Article:  Creative Father of the ‘Pepsi Generation’ Turned Lifestyle Into a Selling Point, By  Betsy McKay. Updated Aug. 4, 2007 12:01 am ET in The Wall Street Journal (link)

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