KANDAHAR – No-Spoiler Review!

Podcast Episode

KANDAHAR – No-Spoiler Review!

Join us for our KANDAHAR – No-Spoiler Review.

The spy movie KANDAHAR just released this weekend. Is it worth your time and money to see?

In this episode we discuss the actors, cinematography, the portrayal of religion, the political statements, and how there is no place like home in the movie KANDAHAR.

Gerard Butler stars in this one. But we think Navid Nehahban steals the movie with his role of Mo.

Plus we talk about any similarity between KANDAHAR and THE COVENANT, which is still in theaters?

So, take a listen and tell us what you think of our KANDAHAR – No-Spoiler Review!

Tell us what you think about our no-spoiler review of KANDAHAR

Did you see the movie? Were we right with our analysis of it?

Let us know your thoughts, ideas for future episodes, and what you thought of this episode. Just drop us a note at info@spymovienavigator.com.  The more we hear from you, the better the show will surely be!  We’ll give you a shout-out in a future episode!  

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