Amiable British Secret Service agent based in Udaipur, India, portrayed by professional tennis player Vijay Amritraj in Octopussy. Vijay is posing as a snake charmer when he meets Bond (Roger Moore) in an Udaipur street market. He gets Bond’s attention with his rendition of the James Bond theme—perfect for the Roger Moore era of 007 films.
Vijay actually hates snakes and prefers his other, more natural cover as a tennis pro at the resort club of exiled Afghan prince Kamal Khan (Louis Jourdan). His mean backhand comes in handy when Khan’s henchman Gobinda (Kabir Bedi) and his men attack Bond’s scooter in the streets of Udaipur. When 007 infiltrates the island home of Octopussy (Maud Adams) in the middle of Lake Pichola, Vijay stays behind on the mainland to keep watch. Unfortunately, he’s jumped by local thugs and killed by the man with the horrifying buzz-saw yo-yo.