Cold-blooded killer and former Contra rebel portrayed by Benicio Del Toro in Licence to Kill. Employed by drug lord Franz Sanchez (Robert Davi), knife-wielding Dario is introduced almost immediately as the man who cuts out the heart of Alvarez (Gerardo Albarrán), the unfortunate lover of Lupe Lamora (Talisa Soto). Dario later confronts Bond (Timothy Dalton) and Pam Bouvier (Carey Lowell) in the Barrelhead Bar, and takes a solid punch from 007.
As Pam escapes to 007’s waiting motorboat, Dario shoots her in the back. She survives, thanks to her body armor. During a laboratory demonstration at the Sanchez’s Olimpatec Meditation Institute, Dario recognizes Bond, who, up until this point, has been trusted in the drug lord’s company. Bond is quickly disarmed and nearly thrown into a cocaine-bundle shredder when Pam arrives to save him. As the laboratory explodes in flames, Bond and Dario engage in a desperate fight above the shredder, which 007 eventually wins—shredding the cowardly killer in the process.
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