Contributed by: The James Bond Movie Encyclopedia by Steven Jay Rubin

(February 22, 1938–November 6, 2017; birth name: Kätherose Derr): Statuesque German actress who portrayed SPECTRE agent Helga Brandt in You Only Live Twice. Masquerading as the confidential secretary of Mr. Osato (Teru Shimada), she fails in her attempt to assassinate Bond and ends up as fish food in Blofeld’s private piranha pool.

Born in Wiesbaden, Hesse, Dor made her feature film debut in director Franz Antel’s comedy Rosen aus dem Süden (1954). She made her English-language debut in The Bellboy and the Playgirls (1962), a comedy codirected by Francis Ford Coppola. Two years after You Only Live Twice, director Alfred Hitchock cast the redheaded Dor as Cuban resistance leader Juanita de Cordoba in Topaz (1969), what she considered a highlight of her career.

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