Contributed by: The James Bond Movie Encyclopedia by Steven Jay Rubin

Chinese girlfriend of James Bond (Sean Connery) portrayed by Tsai Chin in You Only Live Twice. After she gives 007 “very best duck,” she pushes a button that swings her hide-a-bed, along with Bond, into the wall, and then allows two machine-gunning thugs into her apartment. After they’re finished spraying the bed with lethal lead, it looks like 007 is dead. We know better. The sequence was filmed on a Pinewood Studios soundstage on the first day of shooting for You Only Live Twice, July 4, 1966. Joining the action that day, in addition to Sean Connery and Tsai Chin, were six Chinese extras, actors Patrick Jordan and Anthony Ainley—who were portraying two British military police officers—and stuntman Bob Simmons, who, doubling Connery, gets closed up in Ling’s Murphy bed.

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