Pampered mistress of Maximilian Largo (Klaus Maria Brandauer), portrayed by Kim Basinger in Never Say Never Again. She’s also the sister of US Air Force captain Jack Petachi (Gavan O’Herlihy), who has defected to SPECTRE.
Secretly terrified of Largo’s increasingly bizarre behavior, Domino is ripe for a new lover when she meets James Bond (Sean Connery) at a health spa in the south of France. The encounter—one of the film’s best moments—occurs when 007 impersonates a masseur and gives Domino an especially arousing massage. They continue their flirtation at Largo’s charity ball, where Bond beats Largo at his own game, a dangerous computerized showdown called Domination. Bond’s “prize” is one dance with Domino.
During a rather conspicuous tango, Domino learns from 007 that Largo is responsible for her brother’s death. Later, during a visit aboard Largo’s yacht the Flying Saucer, Bond further humiliates Largo by kissing Domino tenderly in the ship’s gym, which is visible via two-way in Largo’s control room.
The psychotic SPECTRE master spy later retaliates by throwing Bond in a North African prison cell and selling Domino to Arab traders. Bond escapes—thanks to his laser watch—steals a horse, and rescues Domino from the traders. Joining 007 aboard a US nuclear sub, Domino eventually dives into the Tears of Allah archaeological dig and exacts her own revenge on Largo with a CO2 speargun.
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