Mafia kingpin portrayed by actor Martin Benson in Goldfinger. In exchange for $1 million in gold, Solo arranges for a Red Chinese “atomic device” to be smuggled into the United States. Later, he is the only hood to turn down the chance to participate in the epic criminal scheme known as Operation Grand Slam. Electing to leave with his gold, he says good-bye to Goldfinger (Gert Fröbe) and Bond (Sean Connery) and is driven to the airport by Oddjob (Harold Sakata), who instead kills him with a silenced pistol.
Solo’s body and the entire Lincoln Continental in which he is riding are then crushed into a convenient lump of metal at a wrecking yard and returned to Auric Stud in the flatbed of a Ford Ranchero driven by Oddjob. In a nod to his host’s previous remark, Bond quips, “As you said, he had a pressing engagement.”
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