DR. NO – James Bond’s Critical Choices at end Decoded!

Podcast Episode

DR. NO – James Bond’s Critical Choices at end Decoded!

DR. NO – James Bond’s choices: At the end of DR. NO, James Bond has to make several potentially life-threatening decisions to escape from Dr. No’s captivity.  What are the choices he needs to make?  How does he decide which path to take?  Was it just luck that he got out of there alive (and with Honey Rider)?  Should he have gone back for her?

Dan and Tom break down James Bond’s path and the choices he made from his holding cell to the boat in which he and Honey flee. They discuss Bond’s decisions and the odds against his path working.  Some of the things he encounters are almost comical: others, deadly. 

So, have a listen and you’ll “Be in the Know.”   

Tell us what you think about James Bond’s choices in DR. NO

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