British Secret Service agent portrayed by Patrick Macnee in A View to a Kill. Working undercover as a chauffeur to James Bond (Roger Moore), Tibbett arrives at the sumptuous French estate of Max Zorin (Christopher Walken) to help 007 investigate Zorin’s use of steroids to increase the racing abilities of his thoroughbreds.
Fooling the estate’s security team with a tape-recorded conversation that plays in 007’s bedroom, Bond and Tibbett sneak into Zorin’s secret underground laboratory beneath his stables and discover a surgical suite where special microchips are being surgically inserted into the horses’ legs to release a precise dose of steroids. They also discover a huge cache of microchips that Zorin is hoarding.
Returning to their quarters, Bond and Tibbett make plans to get the information to M (Robert Brown). Unfortunately, before Tibbett can make an important phone call, he’s strangled by May Day (Grace Jones) in a nearby car wash. Bond is knocked unconscious and thrown into the backseat with his deceased fellow agent, while May Day pushes their Rolls-Royce into a nearby lake. Regaining his senses, Bond escapes from the sinking car and survives by sucking air from one of the Rolls’s Michelin tires.
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