Contributed by: The Complete James Bond Movie Encyclopedia by Steven Jay Rubin

James Bond’s (ROGER MOORE) cover at Max Zorin‘s (CHRISTOPHER WALKEN) horse sale in A View to a Kill. Allied with Sir Godfrey Tibbett (PATRICK MACNEE), who is also working undercover as Bond’s chauffeur, 007 poses as a wealthy, yet novice horse breeder who is looking to improve the quality of his inherited stables in England.

After both agents discover a secret underground installation where Zorin is surgically implanting microchips and steroids into the legs of his racehorses, Bond is identified by Zorin and marked for execution. May Day (GRACE JONES) strangles Tibbett, and then Bond is taken for a ride on a dangerous stallion and later knocked unconscious. Awakening next to his dead friend in a rapidly sinking Rolls-Royce, Bond escapes out the door and survives underwater by sucking the air out of one of the tires.

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