NO TIME TO DIE:  Why You Cannot Kill Off James Bond.  Or could you?

Contributed by: Daniel Silvestri and Tom Pizzato of

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With the upcoming release of NO TIME TO DIE, there are lots of rumors about what will happen in this movie and the direction EON Productions will take James Bond going forward. Check out our thoughts these issues.

James Bond is to Spies What Sherlock Holmes is to Detectives

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Ian Fleming created some of the best known literary characters this world has ever known. Both Sherlock Holmes and James Bond made the leap from the pages of novels and short stories to the big screen – and nothing has been the same ever since.

Join Dan and Tom as they take a look at how these two literary characters have changed the world of fiction writing.

James Bond is to spies what Sherlock Holmes is to detectives! Let’s journey into this dark London world together and see what clues we can find!

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