
GoldenEye, released in 1995 and Eon Productions 17th Bond film, pits a former MI6 agent 006 – Alec Trevelyan, against Bond and the world.   Of course, Alec has help with his cohort, Xenia Onatopp – a skilled assassin.  There is this space weapon, named GoldenEye, that must be dealt with before the Russian syndicate uses…

Casino Royale (2006)

Casino Royale, released in 2006 by Eon Productions, it’s 21st Bond film, rebooted the series with another new James Bond, Daniel Craig, now earning his 00 status here.   The script sticks closely to the Ian Fleming novel and is a masterpiece of suspense involving big-stakes Casino gambling at Casino Royale in Montenegro., Le Chifre, a…

For Your Eyes Only

For Your Eyes Only was the James Bond movie released in 1981. It stars Roger Moore, returning in the role of James Bond. James Bond needs to find a device called Automatic Targeting Attack Communicator (ATAC) which was in a submarine that had sunk.  The soviets find out about the missing ATAC so a race to…

James Bond Podcasts

Here are our podcasts associated with James Bond Movies. Click on the audio player to hear the podcast! Or go to your favorite podcast app (links on left on PC or below on mobile) and subscribe to Cracking the Code of Spy Movies.

NO TIME TO DIE:  Why You Cannot Kill Off James Bond.  Or could you?

Contributed by: Daniel Silvestri and Tom Pizzato of

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With the upcoming release of NO TIME TO DIE, there are lots of rumors about what will happen in this movie and the direction EON Productions will take James Bond going forward. Check out our thoughts these issues.

The Lost and Overlooked Bonds

Contributed by: Daniel Silvestri and Tom Pizzato of

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There have been six actors who have played James Bond so far in the EON Production James Bond 007 movies.  Hundreds of articles and polls rank these actors as to who is the best, with rankings from one to six. This article will spend some time concentrating on the 2 actors who often don’t rank very high in those polls. We call them the Lost and Overlooked Bonds as we think they did a great job.

All That Glitters – the Gold in Goldfinger – Part 1

Join Tom and Dan as we go gold mining for the unique elements and special highlights of Goldfinger, and how other spy movies and real-world events affected Goldfinger, in the James Bond podcast, All That Glitters – the Gold in Goldfinger!

This is Part 1 of a 2-part podcast!

In NO TIME TO DIE, It IS Time for Somebody To Die!

Today we look at the strengths and weaknesses of some of the speculative scenarios that are possible directions for EON to take on the James Bond movie, No Time to Die. What are the potential character plot twists that might unfold in No Time To Die? We’ll look at Nomi, Bond, Leiter, and Swann.

Cracking the Code of Spy Movies – Podcasts

Click the video below to find out what our spy movie podcasts and videos are about in 39 seconds! You’ll find out about all of our spy movie podcasts and our show Cracking the Code of Spy Movies >


After successfully blowing up a drug lab in Central America, Bond needs a vacation.   So, he heads to the Fontainebleau Resort in Miami Beach, Florida in the USA.  And so begins the Goldfinger – James Bond 007 saga. Listen to our filming location podcast on “SpyMovieNavigator Visits Goldfinger Filming Locations in Miami Florida (USA)!” We…

Bond. James Bond

This Dr. No clip is one of the most critical and important scenes in the entire James Bond 007 franchise The interaction between Sylvia Trench, in red, and James Bond at the baccarat table at Le Cercle at Les Ambassadeurs in London sets up the entire Bond.

James Bond Movies

And Their Connections to Other Spy Movies & Real-Life Events and Things Here, in our James Bond sections, are all the Bond movies that we will dive into!  We are not showing you the entire movie here, but some of the best movie clips and scenes, in order, with our take on how they fit…

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