Q Planes and The Nelson Touch

Q Planes gives us what may be the birth of a famous line from Mission: Impossible (disavow) and a real-world historical reference (The Nelson Touch).

Pre-title Sequence

In the one of the most intriguing pre-title sequences, the mood is dark, the setting is dark, and we see Bond pursued by an agent (SPECTRE).

How Events in the Real World Affect What Goes Into Spy Movies!

Contributed by: Daniel Silvestri and SpyMovieNavigator.com

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Real world & spy movies – how things in the real world affect and work their way into spy movies. We provide Insights into a variety of real-life stuff.

MI3 Pre-Title Sequence

Mission: Impossible III was directed by J.J. Abrams. He was also the creator of the television show “Alias”.   That TV show used long pre-title sequences, so it is no surprise that Mission: Impossible III has a pre-title sequence, although it is short by “Alias” standards. The movie’s pre-title sequence has a unique twist among spy…

Opening Title Sequence

This mask scene spills into the title sequence. The title appears to be designed to further hook the tv show fans.

The last 13 minutes

Watch the last 13 minutes of the movie, the culmination of the movie , all on a train.

Atrium Dive Scene

This has a similar feel to MI1 vault heist the way he us tethered down to just before hitting the floor.

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