Spy Movie Navigator First Anniversary Show
Join Dan and Tom as they celebrate their First Anniversary of SpyMovieNavigator.com and their podcast and video shows, Cracking the Code of Spy Movies!
Join Dan and Tom as they celebrate their First Anniversary of SpyMovieNavigator.com and their podcast and video shows, Cracking the Code of Spy Movies!
Join Dan and Tom as they spend a couple of hours with Roberto Schaefer, ASC, AIC – Director of Photography for Quantum of Solace! Roberto has been the Director of Photography on some great films, including Finding Neverland, Monster’s Ball, Stay and many other great films. This is Part 1 of a 2-part podcast.
Join Dan and Tom as they dig deep into the key scenes of the 1939 movie, Q PLANES, which is also known as CLOUDS OVER EUROPE in the US. They’ll look into where this movie has connections to other spy movies and real-world events to come!
Join Dan and Tom as they are Cracking the Code of Spy Movies. Today they navigate through part 2 of the 1959 Alfred Hitchcock classic, NORTH BY NORTHWEST.
Join Dan and Tom as they are Cracking the Code of Spy Movies. Today they navigate through part 1 of the 1959 Alfred Hitchcock classic, NORTH BY NORTHWEST.
In our new segment, Opinions of Real Spy Movie Fans, we talk to a bunch of real people who attended C2E2 about what spy movies they like!
The latest animated spy movie just released. It’s called Spies in Disguise. Tom and Dan Crack the Code of this spy movie and look at it’s relationship to other spy movies.